Five Reasons to take the Low-Code Route

Five Reasons to take the Low-Code Route.

10 April 2020
3 min read

In the digital economy, the name of the game is speed. Low-code platforms are emerging as key enablers of innovation by simplifying the development and deployment of customised enterprise applications. Few technologies are seen as having as much promise to revolutionise the software development process as low-code platforms. Low-code development has the potential to transform the critical relationship between IT and business units and empower quick innovation in a new digital era.

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In our previous article, we discussed what low-code is. In this article, we will focus on why you should take low-code into consideration and what sets it apart from older technology. Here are five reasons why you should choose low-code:

  1. Rapid Delivery.

    One of the biggest advantages of using a low-code development platform is fast and efficient production. Ideas can be converted to prototypes and apps in a matter of hours or days - and even be integrated with your current system. The time savings associated with low-code development is potentially significant for companies trying to release software before their competitors. One of the main benefits of low-code is the reduction in the amount of hand-coding needed, which can greatly speed up the delivery of business applications.

  2. Easy-Peasy.

    A broader range of workers, not just those who have formal programming skills, can be involved the development process as it requires minimal technical knowledge. Empowering business users to create their own applications frees up IT resources for innovation, making low-code development a win-win situation. Business users can begin innovating on their own without constantly draining IT resources, which means quicker adaptation to changing business requirements.

    How Low-Code is Different from Older Tech:

    Low-code platforms have overcome some of the limitations from their predecessors, and they aren't just fourth-generation programming language (4GLs) that were modernised for web and mobile development and offered as cloud services. Low-code platforms are different in three key ways:

    1. It is more open.

      4GLs were completely proprietary and therefore tended to be isolated and difficult to connect into broader application portfolios. Low-code platforms employ many proprietary elements, but most also provide platform APIs and adapters that make it straightforward to incorporate them into a broader platform strategy.

    2. It is more complete.

      In the previous generation, declarative tools were tools first and platforms second; low-code platforms aren't just tools. The application deployment features, as well as management of the platform, applications running on it, and application lifecycle management, set these products apart from those that preceded them.

    3. It is more easily integrated.

      Most of the low-code platforms are adept at ingesting and accessing data in a variety of external sources. And many have APIs that allow customers to integrate external application modules into broader applications running on the platform.

  3. Change Management.

    Business goals and requirements keep changing over the course of a project. So, only if your business application is scalable, can it keep pace with the rapid changes and developments in the industry. With low-code, you can easily modify the application or enhance certain functionalities without disrupting normal business operations.

  4. Lower Costs.

    Business goals and requirements keep changing over the course of a project. So, only if your business application is scalable, can it keep pace with the rapid changes and developments in the industry. With low-code, you can easily modify the application or enhance certain functionalities without disrupting normal business operations.

  5. Digital Transformation.

    Using low-code platforms, organisations can retool underlying business and operational processes and transform them to digital assets by developing custom applications. They can also accelerate the process of creating digital assets that can later unlock new business models. Additionally, migrating legacy applications to modern web and mobile-based applications using the visual drag and drop interface of low-code platforms can greatly reduce the steep learning curve for legacy application developers to develop modern web and mobile applications.

If you have not yet considered low-code to improve and digitally transform your business processes, perhaps it is time you start doing it, what's not to love? Be sure to read our article on things you should take into consideration when exploring low-code options.

To see what Sybrin's Rapid Application and Low-Code Development Platform can offer you, visit platform page